var t1="ID"; var t2="Status"; var t3="Record"; var t4="Booking date"; var t4a="Fecha registro valoración"; var t5="时间"; var t6="Fisrt name"; var t6a="Full name"; var t7="Pax"; var t8="电话"; var t9="Email"; var t10="Table(s)"; var t11="Booking notes"; var t12="Labels"; var t13="Monday"; var t14="Tuesday"; var t15="Wednesday"; var t16="Thursday"; var t17="Friday"; var t18="Saturday"; var t19="Sunday"; var t13p="Monday"; var t14p="Tuesday"; var t15p="Wednesday"; var t16p="Thursday"; var t17p="Friday"; var t18p="Saturday"; var t19p="Sunday"; var t20="ID"; var t21="Fisrt name"; var t22="Last name"; var t23="电话"; var t24="Email"; var t25="Company"; var t26="Labels"; var t27="Customer notes"; var t28="Error creating a customer"; var t29="lunch"; var t30="dinner"; var fieldFrom="De"; var fieldTo="a"; var t31=": Activate to sort column in increasing order"; var t32=": Activate to sort column in descending order"; var t33="Attention"; var t34="You can only move reservations to another table with the zoom set to 1.
Click the reset button on the map to reset it"; var t35="loading"; var t36="Are you sure of the change?"; var t37="You do not have grants"; var t38="Tables assignment"; var t39="Error"; var t40="Are you sure you want to delete the filter"; var t41="The number of people on this booking is not suitable for this table. Do you want to assign it anyway?"; var t42="You do not have grants"; var t43="That table is locked, try another"; var t44="Target table has a blocked booking"; var t45="The Number of people in this booking is higher than the maximum capacity of the indicated table. Do you want to assign the reservation anyway?"; var t46="It was not possible to move the booking"; var t47="Table assignment:"; var t48="Updated status"; var t49="Are you sure you want to change the booking status?"; var t50="Are you sure you want to add a new table for this day?"; var t51="Added table"; var t52="Updated table"; var t53="If you give a name to the table, in the views of the plane you will see that name instead of the table number. Are you sure?"; var t54="There is another table with the same ID"; var t55="Table ID must be a number"; var t56="Are you sure you want to delete this table for this day?"; var t57="Are you sure you want to clear the table?"; var t58="Total: 0"; var t59="To continue browsing with total fluidity, it is advisable to update the browser (if you are doing a booking right now you will lose the data)"; var t60="You are going to save the note, Are you sure?"; var t61="How much money do you want to refund"; var t62="Was refunded"; var t63="correctly"; var t64="Are you sure you want to assign this data?
Name:"; var t65="
Last name:"; var t66="
Phone number:"; var t67="
Email: "; var t68="Restaurant closed for this date"; var t69="You must select a table to make the booking"; var t70="Can not select locked tables TOTAL"; var t71="注意到的是强制性的"; var t72="Booking updated"; var t73="The booking has been updated"; var t74="The name of the booking is"; var t75=" con teléfono "; var t76=" and will be changed by "; var t77=" Do you want to continue with the change?"; var t78="Can not select locked tables TOTAL"; var t79="Enter the name"; var t80="Are you sure you want to delete "; var t81="from the list?"; var t82="Are you sure you want to delete the booking?"; var t83="密码不正确或你没有在表格中输入密码"; var t84="The phone number has already been associated with a customer:
"; var t85="What do you want to do?"; var t86="The email does not have a valid format"; var t87="No card assigned or no product selected"; var t88="Select a product"; var t89="Se va a cobrar"; var t90="to the client"; var t91="Are you sure?"; var t92="Booking made"; var t93="Assign anyway?"; var t94="The email is empty, the customer can not be notified"; var t95="Inserted on the list"; var t96="You must enter a number of people for the waiting list"; var t97="You must enter the person's name and last name"; var t98="You must enter the date"; var t99="Updated waiting list"; var t100="Are you sure to remove from the waiting list?"; var t101="Deleted waiting list"; var t102="In order to assign the credit card to the customer, it is mandatory to enter the name, last name, telephone number and email"; var t103="Valid code"; var t104="This code has already been used"; var t105="Redeeming code not found"; var t106="You must choose a product"; var t107="To be able to assign the card to the booking, the telephone and the email are mandatory"; var t108="Select a product or enter a quantity"; var t109="The charge has been successfully made"; var t110="The product has been successfully deleted"; var t110execute="Se ha ejecutado el producto con éxito"; var t110block="Se ha eliminado el bloqueo de dinero del producto con éxito"; var t110b="Se ha creado el producto con éxito"; var t110b3="Se ha creado el evento con éxito"; var t110c="库存和菜单已成功清除"; var t110d="删除库存和菜单失败"; var t110e="¿Estás seguro de eliminar todas las categorías, productos, cartas y grupos de modificadores? Esta acción no será reversible."; var t111="The product could not be deleted"; var t112="Name is required"; var t113="Are you sure you want to delete the company "; var t114="And assign all bookings with prescriber and clients with company"; var t115=", to"; var t116="Unified Companies"; var t117="You have selected the same company"; var t118="Select a company to unify."; var t119="Select a company to edit."; var t120="No show"; var t121="Canceled by customer"; var t122="Canceled by restaurant"; var t123="Confirmation pending"; var t124="Confirmed"; var t125="Reconfirmed"; var t126="Seated"; var t127="Arrived"; var t128="To review"; var t129="Are you sure?"; var t130="Verified Card"; var t131="Enter the name of the telephone operator"; var t132="Operator"; var t133="Connected properly."; var t134="This operator does not have the necessary grants, or is not valid"; var t135="Incoming call to "; var t136="Phone number "; var t137="Nueva reserva"; var t138="Unregistered client"; var t139="The client "; var t140="Open customer card"; var t141=" con teléfono "; var t142="Click to view card"; var t143="Click to change the restaurant."; var t144="Click to change restaurant and view their profile."; var t145="Is going to be charged"; var t146="None"; var t147="None"; var t901="为了能够将外部付款指定为已付款,必须事先填写所有客户的发票数据。"; var t148="Floor plan name is required"; var t149="Name can not be empty"; var t150="Map"; var t151="Updated name"; var t152="¿Estas seguro?"; var t153="Floor"; var t154="New floor created"; var t155="Floor name required"; var t156="Updated floor"; var t157="Floor deleted"; var t158="This floor contains zones"; var t159="区"; var t160="Updated zone"; var t161="You must enter a name for the restaurant zone"; var t162="密封一个区域"; var t163="New zone"; var t164="Error adding new zone"; var t165="There is a table that occupies this area"; var t166="Deleted zone"; var t167="The table number must be a number"; var t168="You must introduce a minimum and maximum number of diners"; var t169="You must enter a minimum number of diners"; var t170="You must enter a maximum number of diners"; var t171="The minimum number of people must be less than the maximum"; var t172="This table already exists"; var t173="Select a table shape"; var t174="Select a table type"; var t175="Place the table inside the map"; var t176="Error adding table"; var t177="Deleted table"; var t178="Updated table and combinations"; var t179="You must enter tables for the combination"; var t180="You must enter at least two tables for the combination"; var t181="You must enter a minimum and maximum number of people"; var t182="You must enter a maximum number of people"; var t183="You must enter a minimum number of people"; var t184="The maximum number of dinners must be greater than the minimum number"; var t185="Updated Combination"; var t185b="Combinación añadida"; var t186="Combination already added"; var t187="You must select a maximum and minimum number of diners for the table"; var t188="You must select a maximum number of diners for the table"; var t189="The minimum number of guests must be less than the maximum"; var t190="You are going to modify the following combination of tables:"; var t191="You will remove the following combination of tables:"; var t192="Tables combinations"; var t193="updated"; var t194="No changes to update"; var t195="Deleted combination"; var t196="Imported map"; var t197="Table (pax)"; var t198="Add fields"; var t199="Error, please try again"; var t200="Html saved"; var t201="You have to add the links to the corresponding fields."; var t202="Html deleted"; var t203="Settings Applied"; var t204="You have to select one day at least."; var t205="You have to select a template to assign."; var t206="The time selected in the second position must be greater than the first time."; var t207="You have to add a name."; var t208="Data saved"; var t209="You have to select a template."; var t210="如果你不保存,数据就会丢失。 你想保存吗?"; var t211="Test sent"; var t212="All fields are required"; var t213="Password updated"; var t214="The password can not be empty."; var t215="Accepted"; var t216="This user already exists in another restaurant, do you want to assign it to this too?"; var t217="Added user"; var t218="Pending confirmation by the user"; var t219="Grants changed"; var t220="Enter the new password"; var t221="Password changed"; var t222="Are you sure to delete it?"; var t223="Deleted user"; var t224="There was an error making the request"; var t225="Your changes have been successfully saved"; var t226="There was an error saving your changes"; var t227="Limit memory"; var t228="Total memory"; var t229="Used memory"; var t230="Your report has been successfully submitted, your data will be analyzed and we will contact you."; var t231="Shipping date"; var t232="SMS type"; var t232W="WhatsApp 类型"; var t233="For"; var t234="SMS Nº"; var t235="Booking date"; var t236="Status"; var t236a="Charge status"; var t236b="Refund"; var t237="Customer name"; var t238="Cancellation policy application"; var t238holdCard="Fecha retención"; var t239="Amount"; var t239holdCardPaid="Importe cobrado"; var t239holdCard="Importe retención"; var t240="Customer charged date"; var t241="Refunded"; var t241a="Refund date"; var t241b="Refund"; var t242="Customer billing date"; var t243="Ticket Name"; var t244="Ticket price"; var t245="人数"; var t246="Total"; var t247="Code "; var t248="Product name"; var t249="Product price"; var t250="Enter all data or enter all data correctly"; var t251="Are you sure?"; var t252="Payment canceled"; var t253="Connection latency"; var t254="Web Engine"; var t255="Software"; var t256="Walk in"; var t257="Waiting list"; var t258="Required Permits"; var t259="Call 910052719 or email to perform this operation"; var t260="Code "; var t261="You are going to change the table ID. Are you sure?"; var t262="Base schedule updated"; var t263="Base schedule"; var t264="Error changing"; var t265="Y usted ha anotado:"; var t270="You must choose a table"; var t311="食物"; var t312="Attention"; var t313="Environment"; var t313_1="Llamada"; var t314="1 star"; var t315="2 stars"; var t316="3 stars"; var t317="4 stars"; var t318="5 stars"; var t322="estrellas"; var t266="Confirmo que el cliente está debidamente informado"; var t319="Released"; var t320="Bill requested"; var t321="Dessert"; var t326="Very unsatisfied/Very satisfied"; var t325="Do not show anything"; var t327="Nothing likely/ Very likely"; var t812="Yes/No"; var t813="Free text"; var t330="El pago de dicho ticket ya ha sido realizado, no se puede eliminar."; var t331="密碼不正確或該密碼可能無權訪問該位置。"; var t332="No es posible editar este producto."; var t333="Producto actualizado"; var t340="Keep in mind that if you modify these rules and one would have been applied for other days by giving EVERYDAY or EVERY MONDAY, it would also be removed for those days. Are you sure?"; var t340a="Ten en cuenta que si modificas las reglas y hubiera sido aplicada para otros días dándole a TODOS LOS DIAS o TODOS LOS LUNES, también se aplicaría para aquellos días aunque tenga un horario distinto, ¿Estás seguro?"; var t340b="Keep in mind that if you delete these rules and one would have been applied for other days by giving EVERYDAY or EVERY MONDAY, it would also be removed for those days. Are you sure?"; var t340c="The chosen schedule interferes with the next shift"; var t340d="The minimum opening time is 07:00"; var t340e="The maximum closing time is 06:45"; var t341="Si sólo quisieras aplicarlas para el día de hoy, tendrías que borrar las reglas existentes y crear nuevas reglas."; var t341b="Si sólo quisieras borrarlas para el día de hoy, tendrías que crear nuevas reglas en los otros días."; var t342="El email y el teléfono son obligatorios."; var t342a="El email es obligatorio."; var t342b="El teléfono es obligatorio."; var t342c="Tiene que indicar algún campo del cliente."; var t343="Para poder asignar la tarjeta de crédito al cliente, es obligatorio introducir previamente el nombre y los apellidos"; var t344="Esta reserva tiene una solicitud de tarjeta para una reserva con política de cancelación. ¿Estas seguro que quieres cancelar esta reserva y notificar al cliente de ello?."; var t345="Esta reserva tiene una solicitud de tarjeta para un pago tipo ticket. ¿Estas seguro que quieres cancelar esta reserva y notificar al cliente de ello?."; var t346="Esta mesa tiene una reserva ya que está creando un conflicto. ¿Desea asignar la reserva igualmente?"; var t347="Debes indicar una hora para convertir la lista de espera en reserva."; var t348="Cambie de restaurante para hacer la reserva."; var t349="No tiene."; var t350=" people"; var t350s=" persona"; var t351="No valorado"; var t352="Select an hour"; var t353="Add some mail in the box to the right of the button"; var t354="The number of people in the reservation is "; var t355="Guests to the reservation!"; var t356="Error al crear una campaña"; var t357="Error al obtener la campaña"; var t358="Error al editar la campaña"; var t359="Campaign updated"; var t360="The phone field should only contain numbers"; var t361="El teléfono no tiene un formato válido"; var t400="Error adding list to a campaign"; var t401="Adding clients..."; var t402="Type"; var t403="Status"; var t404="Internal Description"; var t405="Info"; var t406="Error al crear una lista"; var t407="List created and adding clients. Click the button Refresh Data to check if the process is completed."; var t408="Lista actualizada"; var t409="El campo nombre es requerido"; var t410="SMS Enviándose..."; var t411="Error al enviar los sms"; var t412="Lists updated"; var t413="广告系列已取消"; var t414="Error al cancelar la campaña"; var t415="Error al eliminar la lista"; var t416="Lista desvinculada"; var t417="No es posible editar clientes porque la campaña ya ha sido enviada"; var t418="Campaign"; var t419="Shipping date"; var t420="Number of SMS sent"; var t421="Total Cost"; var t422="Error al obtener las etiquetas"; var t423="Debe indicar un nº de reservas"; var t424="You must select at least one zone"; var t425="Debes seleccionar al menos un producto"; var t425b="Debes seleccionar al menos un evento"; var t426="Esta acción regenerará la disponibilidad del restaurante para Google, y tardará 24 horas en realizarse. ¿Estás seguro?"; var t427="Se ha planificado la regeneración de la disponibilidad de Google correctamente."; var t428="Debes seleccionar al menos una mesa"; var t429="Edit booking"; var t430="Release"; var t431="Move"; var t432="Pending"; var t433="Confirm"; var t434="Arrival"; var t435="未找到区域"; var t436="REGLA CON ZONA"; var t437="MESA NO ENCONTRADA"; var t438="Esta acción regenerará la disponibilidad del restaurante para OpenTable. ¿Estás seguro?"; var t439="Se ha planificado la regeneración de la disponibilidad de OpenTable correctamente."; var t439b="Se ha planificado la regeneración de la disponibilidad de American Express correctamente."; var t440="Error al crear el código promocional"; var t441="Error al obtener el código promocional"; var t442="Error al editar el código promocional"; var t443="Código promocional actualizada"; var t444="Are you sure to refund the payment?"; var t445="Are you sure to refund the payment and cancel the reservation?"; var t446="Search"; var t447="Press ENTER or SEARCH to search"; var t448="Introduce un descuento"; var t449="Selecciona al menos un prescriptor"; var t450="Debes introducir un nº de códigos, de caracteres y un prefijo si ha sido seleccionado."; var t451="Debes indicar una hora para elimnar la lista de espera porqué se convertirá en reserva cancelada."; var t452="Comentario Actualizado"; var t453="Optional"; var t454="Data updated"; var t455="Esta acción actualizará la disponibilidad del restaurante en American Express, ¿estás seguro?"; var t456="Esta acción creará o actualizará la información del restaurante en American Express, ¿estás seguro?"; var t457="Información actualizada correctamente. Puede que tarde varios minutos en actualizarse en American Express."; var t458="Saving"; var t459="Esta acción eliminar el restaurante en American Express, ¿estás seguro?"; var t460="Restaurante eliminado correctamente. Puede que tarde varios minutos en actualizarse en American Express."; var t461="Aditional Products"; var t462limit="The max value allowed is 600 seconds (10 min.)"; var t462="IMPORTANT Pending Refund"; var t463="NONE"; var t464="Demand Generators"; var t465="You have to select the number of people to classify them."; var t466="You have to select the number of people to select the menu."; var t467="The number of people cannot exceed the number of people selected."; var t468="Date & time of rating"; var t469="Commentary"; var t470="Beneficiary name"; var t471="餐厅"; var t472="The Best"; var t473="由于未插入卡片而未完成"; var t474="You have already invited the number of guests in the reservation."; var t475="Select an Annotated By"; var t476="Loading"; var t477="Number of bookings 1st Time Slot"; var t478="Number of bookings 2nd Time Slot"; var t479="Number of people 1st Time Slot"; var t480="Number of people 2nd Time Slot"; var t481="Same password as user"; var t482="Password too short"; var t483="Password too easy"; var t484="User and Password required"; var t485="Password cannot be the same as user"; var t486="User too short"; var t487="Email or Phone required"; var t488="Low"; var t489="High"; var t490="Error desconocido, contacta con el restaurante"; var t491=" persona"; var t492="预订"; var t493="Adding options"; var t494="Are you sure?"; var t495="Filters"; var t496="Everyone"; var t497="News from "; var t498="Ever came"; var t499="Canceled some reservation"; var t500="With some reservation No Show"; var t501="More than "; var t502=" reservations"; var t503="Tag"; var t504="Prefix"; var t505="Include subscribed newsletter"; var t506="Exclude subscribed newsletter"; var t507="day"; var t508="days"; var t509="month"; var t510="months"; var t511="year"; var t512="years"; var t513="Num people promotion"; var t514="Promotion Dates"; var t515="Promotion Stock"; var t516="Restaurante enviado a OpenTable para crear correctamente"; var t517="Error, contacte con CoverManager"; var t518="Información del restaurante enviada a OpenTable correctamente"; var t519="Restaurante eliminado correctamente. Puede que tarde varios minutos en actualizarse en OpenTable." var t520="¿Has guardado los cambios pulsando abajo a la derecha en el botón de guardar?. Si no, los cambios no se verán en OpenTable."; var t521="¿Estas seguro que quieres eliminar este restaurante de OpenTable?."; var t522="El restaurante no puede tener menos de un dueño."; var t523="Registering WALK IN"; var t524="Error registering WALK IN, contact with Administrator"; var t525="Making a Reservation"; var t526="Charging"; var t527="It is not possible to mark the OpenTable or American Express integration to No without having previously deactivated it. The changes have NOT been saved, please deactivate the integrations correctly."; var t528="The legal settings in the online store will be restored. Are you sure?"; var t528cat="Se va a restaurar la configuración legal de CAT. ¿Está seguro?"; var t528onthego="Se va a restaurar la configuración legal de OnTheGo. ¿Está seguro?"; var t529="The legal configuration of the web engine will be restored. Are you sure?"; var t530="The template of the selected language will be restored. Are you sure?"; var t531="The legal configuration of the online store will be copied to the web engine. Are you sure?"; var t532="The legal configuration of the web engine will be copied in the online store. Are you sure?"; var t533="You will save this custom template. Are you sure?"; var t534="Plantilla del idioma seleccionado restaurada correctamente"; var t535="You must enter the coordinates"; var t536="Request Failed"; var t537="You must enter the Place Id"; var t538="Closing"; var t539="Adding options"; var t540="Copying"; var t541="Creating New Rules"; var t542="Are you sure to copy those rules? The current rules will be replaced."; var t543="Ecommerce Unlinked"; var t544="Ecommerce unlinked from the reserv correctly"; var t545="Error unlinking ecommerce. Contact with the Administrator"; var t546="您确定要删除此自定义状态吗?如果此状态下有预订,则会自动进入 TO REVIEW 状态。"; var t547="Payment method:"; var t548="Product"; var t549="Quantity"; var t550="Unit price"; var t551="Total price"; var t552=" Total:"; var t553="Access to book online will be closed every day of the month. Are you sure?"; var t554="Access to book online will be opened every day of the month. Are you sure?"; var t555="Opening"; var t556="The following days have not been modified because they are blocked:"; var t557="day/month/year"; var t558="month/day/year"; var t558b="此激活可能会产生额外的许可证费用"; var t558fb1="预订"; var t558fb2="Reservar ya"; var t558fb3="Reservar mesa"; var t558fb4="Pedir cita"; var t558t1="You have a product pending payment. You must delete the existing product before you can create a new one"; var billing_data="Billing"; var documentNumber="票务代码"; var t809="Individual price of each SMS [Cents]"; var t810="Sent on Email"; var t902="Billing information"; var t903="你已经填写了所有的开票数据"; var t904="账单数据已正确更新"; var t905="如果没有填写账单数据,您不能更新账单数据。"; var t906="由于已经进行了外部支付,您不能更改账单数据"; var t909="No puedes tener activa la Garantía de Retención y la Política de Cancelación (a la vez) para la solicitud de grupos"; var t559="ID"; var t560="Creation date"; var t561="ID Restaurant"; var t562="Fisrt name"; var t563="Last name"; var t564="Color"; var t565="Comments"; var t566="Active/Inactive"; var t567="Add new waiter"; var t568="Add waiter"; var t569="Are you sure you want to activate this waiter? (May be assigned to tables from now on)"; var t570="Are you sure you want to disable this waiter? (It cannot be assigned to any table from now on)"; var t571="View / Edit"; var t572="Activate "; var t573="Deactivate"; var t574="You have not filled in the field "; var t575="The waiter has been successfully added"; var t576="Error adding waiter"; var t577="Waiter has been activated successfully"; var t578="Failed to activate waiter"; var t579="Waiter has been disabled successfully"; var t580="Failed to disable waiter"; var t581="The waiter has been successfully modified"; var t582="Error modifying the waiter"; var t583="You must fill all the fields"; var t584="There is already a waiter with that first name and last name"; var translations_languages={ 'spanish': "Spanish", 'english': "English", 'french': "French", 'euskera': "Basque", 'catalan': "Catalan", 'german': "German", 'japanese': "Japanese", 'czech': "Czech", 'portuguese': "Portuguese", 'italian': "Italian", 'galician': "Galician", 'chinese': "Chinese", 'polish': "Polaco" }; var t585="You must fill in the name"; var t586="You must fill the description"; var t587="You must fill in the price of the product"; var t588="You must fill in the applicable tax"; var t589="You must fill the sort position"; var t590="You must fill the minimum quantity"; var t590a="M您必須填寫可用庫存"; var t591 = "Are you sure to close the orders?"; var t592 = "Error obtaing restaurant config. Contact with the Administrator."; var t593 = "Error obtaing delivery config. Contact with the Administrator."; var t594 = "Error saving delivery config. Contact with the Administrator."; var t595 = "Are you sure to reopen the order service?"; var t596 = "Service closed successfully"; var t597 = "Error obtaing delivery inventory. Contact with the Administrator."; var t598 = "Error obtaing categories. Contact with the Administrator."; var t599 = "Order"; var t600 = "Fisrt name"; var t601 = "Description"; var t602 = "Available"; var t603 = "Visible"; var t604 = "Image"; var t605 = "Error obtaing products. Contact with the Administrator."; var t606 = "Updated successfully"; var t607 = "Error updating category. Contact with the Administrator."; var t608 = "Error creating category. Contact with the Administrator."; var t609 = "Are you sure to delete the selected category?"; var t610 = "Category removed successfully"; var t611 = "Error deleting delivery category. Contact with the Administrator."; var t612 = "There are no images in your inventory"; var t613 = "Go to the Media section to upload images"; var t614 = "Error obtaing products. Contact with the Administrator."; var t615 = "Search product"; var t616 = "Quantity"; var t616_stock = "Stock"; var t616_vendidas = "Vendidas"; var t616_deshabilitado = "Deshabilitado"; var t617 = "Categories"; var t618 = "Precio Total"; var t619 = "Type"; var t620 = "Error updating product. Contact with the Administrator."; var t621 = "Successfully created"; var t622 = "Error creating product. Contact with the Administrator."; var t623 = "Are you sure to delete the selected product?"; var t624 = "Product successfully removed"; var t624b = "Evento eliminado correctamente"; var t625 = "Error deleting delivery product. Contact with the Administrator."; var t626 = "Add category"; var t627 = "Are you sure to delete the selected image?"; var t628 = "Image successfully removed"; var t629 = "Error removing delivery inventory. Contact with the Administrator."; var t630 = "You have not selected any image"; var t631 = "File uploaded successfully"; var t632 = "Error uploading delivery inventory"; var t633 = "Error uploading delivery inventory. Contact with the Administrator."; var t634 = "Extension not allowed"; var t635 = "Only CSV files are allowed"; var t636 = "Error obtaing delivery menus. Contact with the Administrator."; var t637 = "Error creating delivery menu. Contact with the Administrator."; var t638 = "Inventario"; var t639 = "Menu removed successfully"; var t640 = "Error deleting delivery menu. Contact with the Administrator."; var t641 = "Add product"; var t642 = "Add modifying products"; var t643 = "Are you sure to remove the group from the menu?"; var t644 = "The group must contain at least one modifier and an associated product"; var t645 = "Error obtaing countries. Contact with the Administrator."; var t646 = "Error obtaing orders. Contact with the Administrator."; var t647 = "Order number"; var t647a = "Order code"; var t648 = "Client"; var t649 = "Status"; var t650 = "Preparation start"; var t651 = "Delivery / Collection"; var t652 = "Comments"; var t653 = "Error checking delivery address. Contact with the Administrator."; var t654 = "Error initializing delivery menu. Contact with the Administrator."; var t655 = "We have had a problem obtaining possible pickup / delivery times. Contact the Administrator."; var t656 = "Error obtaining delivery timing. Contact with the Administrator."; var t657 = "It is not possible to continue with an order of € 0"; var t658 = "The minimum order is: "; var t659 = "With card"; var t660 = "Cash"; var t661 = "As soon as possible"; var t662 = "Select a delivery time"; var t663 = "Preparation time must be less than delivery time"; var t664 = "Error obtaing delivery client card. Contact with the Administrator."; var t665 = "To pay now you must fill in all the customer fields."; var t666 = "Thank you!"; var t667 = "Order created successfully"; var t667a = "哎呀! 我们只剩下"; var t667b = "对你来说,你想修改你的订单吗?"; var t668 = "The selected time is no longer available, you must select another time"; var t669 = "Sorry, we no longer accept more orders."; var t670 = "Error creating delivery order. Contact with the Administrator."; var t671 = "Email or customer phone are required"; var t672 = "Making order"; var t673 = "Card requested and order created correctly"; var t674 = "Error requesting delivery order. Contact with the Administrator."; var t675 = "Are you sure to finish the order? The customer will be charged the amount of "; var t676 = "Charging and ordering"; var t677 = "Order charged and created correctly"; var t678 = "Error al pagar el pedido de delivery. Contacte con el administrador."; var t679 = "Error showing order. Contact with the Administrator"; var t680 = "Status updated successfully"; var t681 = "Menu updated successfully"; var t682 = "Menu created successfully."; var t683 = "Service re-opened successfully"; var t684 = "Successfully created"; var t685 = "Service closed successfully"; var t685b = "Order updated successfully"; var t686 = "Making order"; var t687 = "Updating order"; var t688 = "Enter an address, city or postal code."; var t689 = "Channel"; var t690 = "Error displaying notification Contact administrator"; var t691 = "Failed to get notifications. Contact the administrator."; var t692 = "通知"; var t692a = "Description"; var t693 = "Type"; var t694 = "Status"; var t695 = "Enabled"; var t696 = "Disabled"; var t697 = "Devolviendo"; var t698 = "Cantidad devuelta correctamente"; var t699 = "La cantidad debe ser mayor que 0 y no podrá ser mayor al total del pedido"; var t700 = "No se encontró un pago asociado al pedido para devolver"; var t701 = "No se han podido obtener los alérgenos"; var t702 = "¿Estás seguro? Se añadirán todas las categorías del inventario a esta carta"; var t703 = "¿Estás seguro? Se añadirán todos los productos del inventario a esta carta"; var t704 = "¿Estás seguro? Se añadirán todos los productos del inventario de la categoría seleccionada a esta carta"; var t705 = "¿Estas seguro que quieres añadir tu lista de clientes (con email) a tu cuenta de Mailjet con las keys dadas en configuración?"; var t706 = "Are you sure?"; var t707 = "Sincronización finalizada correctamente"; var t708 = "Error al cargar el inventario desde el TPV. Contacte con el Administrador."; var t709 = "¿Estás seguro? El inicio de preparación del pedido es para"; var t710 = "Pedido sincronizado correctamente"; var t711 = "Error al sincronizar el pedido"; var t712 = "To configure zones in Google Maps, you must have the Google Place ID, Latitude and Longitude indicated correctly"; var t713 = "Payment Data"; var t723="The CAH legal settings will be restored. Are you sure?"; var t724="The legal configuration of the online store will be copied in CAH. Are you sure?"; var t724onthego="Se va a copiar la configuración legal de la tienda online en OnTheGo. ¿Está seguro?"; var t724cat="Se va a copiar la configuración legal de la tienda online en CAT. ¿Está seguro?"; var t725="The legal configuration of the web engine in CAH will be copied. Are you sure?"; var t725onthego="Se va a copiar la configuración legal del motor web en OnThego. ¿Está seguro?"; var t725cat="Se va a copiar la configuración legal del motor web en CAT. ¿Está seguro?"; var t726="The CAH legal settings will be copied to the web engine. Are you sure?"; var t726onthego="Se va a copiar la configuración legal de CAH en OnTheGo. ¿Está seguro?"; var t726cat="Se va a copiar la configuración legal de CAH en CAT. ¿Está seguro?"; var t727="The legal configuration of CAH will be copied in the online store. Are you sure?"; var t727cat="Se va a copiar la configuración legal de OnThego en CAT. ¿Está seguro?"; var t728 = "What kind of cloning do you want to do?"; var t729 = "Menu cloned successfully"; var t730 = "Error cloning delivery menu. Contact the administrator."; var t731 = "There are currently no reservations that are close to completion or no reservations."; var t732 = "There is currently no one on the ON THE GO waiting list."; var t733 = "You must fill at least the name."; var t734 = "Added to the ONTHEGO waiting list"; var t735 = "Day"; var t736 = "时间"; var t737 = "表"; var t738 = "Service"; var t739 = "Opinion"; var t740 = "El máximo de pax debe ser mayor o igual al mínimo en la mesa"; var t741 = "Integración activada correctamente"; var t742 = "Dirección correcta"; var t743 = "您确定要禁用集成吗?"; var t744 = "集成禁用成功"; var t745 = "¿Estás seguro de querer cancelar la solicitud a Stuart?. Te puede ocasionar costes igualmente en Stuart."; var t745generic = "¿Estás seguro de querer cancelar la solicitud a la empresa externa?. Te puede ocasionar costes igualmente en la empresa externa."; var t746 = "Debe rellenar los datos API Client ID y API Secret"; var t746b = "Debe rellenar El ID de restaurante y Api Key de deelivers"; var t746e = "Debe rellenar el Api Key de portefy"; var t746c = "Debe rellenar Tag, User ID y Api key"; var t746d = "Debe rellenar Client ID, Client secret, Webhook secret y el Store ID"; var t746e = "Debe seleccionar un usuarios tipo driver e indicar un título"; var t747 = "Selecciona la dirrección del desplegable de Google"; var t748 = "Usuarios eliminados"; var t749 = "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar las reservas, listas de esperas y tickets asociados a estos clientes y borrarlo para siempre?"; var t750 = "¿Estás seguro que quieres unificar las reservas, listas de esperas y tickets asociados a un cliente y el resto de clientes borrarlos para siempre?"; var t751 = "Usuarios unificados"; var t752 = "Parámetro actualizado"; var t753a = "Unificar Clientes"; var t754a = "Eliminar Clientes"; var t755a = "Editar Cliente"; var t756a = "下载预订"; var t753 = "Order number"; var t754 = "Status"; var t755 = "Preparation start"; var t756 = "Delivery / Collection"; var t757 = "Payment Data"; var t758 = "Comments"; var t759 = "Channel"; var t760 = "Type"; var t761 = "Tracking"; var t762 = "促销代码已成功创建"; var t763 = "促销活动已成功编辑"; var t764 = "El nombre debe tener como minimo 4 caracteres"; var t765 = "El nombre debe tener como máximo 20 caracteres"; var t766 = "El importe mínimo debe ser mayor que 0"; var t767 = "La hora que intenta seleccionar ya está ocupada" var t768 = "Ya tiene una carta configurada para el servicio seleccionado en el tramo horario elegido" var t769 = "Integración conectada y actualizada."; var t770 = "Error. Contacte con CoverManager."; var t771 = "Integración desconectada."; var t775 = "Error al solicitar tarjeta. Intentelo más tarde"; var t776 = "Tarjeta solicitada correctamente"; var t772 = "Debes añadir un código postal."; var t773 = "Propio"; var t774 = "No coger pedidos"; var t775 = "Remove"; var t776 = "Categorías eliminadas correctamente"; var t777 = "无法删除所选类别"; var t778 = "产品成功移除"; var t779 = "删除所选产品失败"; var t780 = "您必须选择一些项目"; var t781 = "Channel Manager"; var t782="请注意,客户此时可能正在为此产品付款。你确定吗?"; var t783b="Email enviado correctamente al cliente"; var t783a="Rellene los campos"; var t783="No hay resultados"; var t784="No hay resultados en tu restaurante"; var t785="Buscar en el resto del grupo"; var t786="El email debe tener asunto"; var t787="El email debe tener contenido"; var t788="“角色”字段是必需的"; var t789 = "Error al obtener la configuración de CoverAtTable. Contacte con el administrador."; var t790 = "Error al guardar la configuración de CoverAtTable. Contacte con el administrador."; var t791="El número de pedidos mínimo debe ser mayor que 0"; var t793="Email no válido"; var treseteado="Reseteado"; var t794="Special configuration"; var t795="Debe indicar un número máximo de mesas igual o superior a -1"; var t796="No es posible utilizar [key] como palabra clave para definir el campo de encuesta"; var t855="Source"; var t797="User"; var t798="日期"; var t799="Action"; var t800="更多信息"; var t801="新名单"; var t802="新活动"; var t803="编辑的广告系列"; var t804="广告系列已取消"; var t805="活动启动"; var t806="未知动作"; var t807="退订活跃"; var t808="El envío de comunicaciones comerciales puede estar sujeto a normativa específica dependiendo de dónde se establezcan emisor o receptor. Recomendamos comprobar los requerimientos de consentimiento previo, protección de datos y derechos de oposición que pudieran ser de aplicación."; var t900 = "¿Estás seguro? Se eliminará la carta acual y se cargarán las categorías y productos del menú seleccionado"; var t910 = "¿Estás seguro? La importación de cartas puede provocar el duplicado de productos/categorías y cambios en las cartas"; var availability_text_table_snooze = "El producto volverá a estar disponible en:"; var availability_text_table_deadline = "El producto estará disponible hasta el:"; var days_snooze = "days"; var day_snooze = "day"; var hours_snooze = "hours"; var hour_snooze = "hour"; var minutes_snooze = "minutes"; var minute_snooze = "minuto"; var seat_people_text = "SENTAR P."; var arrived_people_text = "LLEGAR P."; var seat_people_text_select = "Seleccione las personas a sentar"; var arrived_people_text_select = "Seleccione las personas que van a llegar"; var text_info_people_now_first = "En este momento, hay"; var text_info_people_now_second = "persona/s sentadas."; var text_info_people_now_second_arrived = " persona/s llegadas."; var all_people_reserv_seat = "Todas las personas de la reserva se encuentran sentadas."; var all_people_reserv_arrived = "Todas las personas de la reserva han llegado."; var info_confirm_seat = "Personas sentadas."; var info_confirm_arrived = "Personas llegadas."; var integration_fields_required = "Hay campos requeridos sin rellenar."; var yes_text = "Yes"; var no_text = "不是"; var id_external_text = "ID Externo"; var no_external_id = "No ha configurado ID externo, el producto no podrá enviarse al TPV"; var product_free = "Tiene configurado reservas gratis"; var product_politic = "Tiene configurado reservas con Política de cancelación"; var product_politic_var = "Tiene configurado reservas con Política de cancelación variable"; var product_ticket = "Tiene configurado reservas tipo ticket"; var product_event = "Tiene configurado reservas tipo evento"; var product_hold_card = "Tiene configurado reservas con garantía de retención"; var product_ext_1 = "Same kind of booking"; var product_ext_2 = "Apply bookings with cancellation policy"; var product_ext_3 = "Apply Ticket type bookings"; var product_ext_4 = "Apply pending to be confirmed"; var product_ext_21 = "Aplicar reservas con política de cancelación variable"; var product_ext_5 = "应用带有保留保证的预订"; var booking_pending_text = "Confirmation pending Bookings"; var min_people = "In case of X Pax or more in the reservation:"; var apply_text = "Aplicado a:"; var price_ticket = "Ticket price"; var type_required = "Debe seleccionar un tipo"; var amount_required = "Debe indicar una cantidad correcta"; var pay_added_on = "Pago añadido el"; var by_user = "por el usuario"; var paid_on = "Pagado el"; var remove_external_pay_alert = "Estás seguro de eliminar el tipo de pago? Si confirmas, todos los pagos que existan con este tipo pasarán al tipo Default"; var pay_type_required = "El tipo de pago no puede ser vacío"; var pay_type_already_exists = "El tipo de pago ya existe"; var error_copy_rules = "Error al copiar las reglas seleccionadas."; var copy_rules_correct = "Reglas copiadas correctamente."; var validation_two_days = "La fecha de inicio y la fecha final no pueden estar vacías"; var validation_more_days = "Debe seleccionar como mínimo un día"; var validation_add_option = "Debe seleccionar una opción para añadir"; var validation_is_option = "La opción que intenta añadir ya ha sido añadida"; var validation_days_init_end = "La fecha inicio no puede ser anterior a la fecha fin"; var portefy_not_update_dialog = "No puede actualizar un pedido mientras tenga asignado un reparto con portefy. Debe cancelar previamente el reparto y volver a solicitarlo tras actualizar el pedido."; var portefy_not_update_error = "No puede actualizar un pedido mientras tenga asignado un reparto con portefy."; var fill_questions = "Debes rellenar todas las preguntas y respuestas"; var return_money = "¿Devolver"; var cook_type_select = "Seleccione un tipo de cocina"; var cook_type_no_select = "No tiene seleccionado ningún tipo de cocina"; var assign_delete = "¿Estas seguro que quieres asignar las reservas, listas de esperas y tickets de "; var assign_delete_2 = " y borrarlo para siempre?"; var to = " a "; var confirm_integration = "您确定要更新集成吗?"; var nobody_onthego = "There is currently no one on the ON THE GO waiting list."; var amount_max_spanish = "不得超过1000欧元现金"; var amount_max_others = "不得超过10000欧元的现金"; var wrongUsernameFormat = "用户名必须是有效的电子邮件地址"; var copyRuleCreationConfirmation = "¿Estás seguro de crear nuevas reglas en base a las que has copiado? Se sustituirán las reglas actuales."; var ruleCreationErrorTitle = "Horario base"; var ruleCreationErrorMessage = "Error al crear nuevas reglas"; var cass1 = "Changes have been saved successfully"; var cass2 = "Error saving CoverAssistant config. Contact with the Administrator"; var cass3 = "Error obtaing CoverAssistant config. Contact with the Administrator"; var cass4 = "Loading information"; var cass5 = "No hay información de llamadas para las fechas seleccionadas"; var cass6 = "Restaurante ya añadido"; var cass7 = "Restaurante ya añadido"; var cass8 = "Sólo puedes añadir dos restaurantes al cross-sellig de grupo"; var cass9 = "Es obligatorio tener al menos un nombre de bot configurado"; var cass10 = 'Error saiving CoverAssistant config. The field "Activate redirect phone" cannot be empty.'; var cass11 = 'Error empty redirection phone on orders management or reservs modifications'; var buscar_camarero = "Buscar camarero"; var errorPhoneNumberCampain ="电话号码字段必须填写或不为 0"; var errorPriceSMSCampaign ="El precio del SMS individual no puede ser inferior a 8 centimos"; var errorPhoneNumberExist ="电话号码已经存在"; var notifyTableIsReadyMsg ="客户被告知他们的桌子已经准备好了"; var cat1 = "訂單價格"; var cat2 = "桌上的新订单"; var cat3 = "更新表顺序"; var cat4 = "预订:"; var cat5 = "in the name of"; var cat6 = "Propina"; var cat7 = "Total price"; var cat_media_rate = "平均评分"; var catQRDownload = "下载二维码"; var mailchimpErrorCannotConnect="尝试连接到 Mailchimp 时出错。检查api密钥是否正确。"; var t907="为了申请该卡,必须事先填写所有客户的发票数据"; var t908="必须事先填写所有客户的发票数据"; var catQrReserv = "无法生成二维码"; var cpf1 = "Fisrt name"; var cpf2 = "Nº de comensales totales"; var cpf3 = "Precio individual por comensal"; var cpf4 = "Total price"; var cpf5 = "Reference"; var cpf6 = "Client"; var cpf7 = "日期"; var cpf8 = "时间"; var cpf9 = "Nº Comensales"; var chargeInfo = "Cargando información"; var printText = "Print"; var noGroup = "Sin grupo"; var tick0 = "No hay entradas disponibles en esta zona."; var tick1 = "No quedan entradas disponibles."; var tick2 = "Quedan pocas entradas, ¡date prisa!"; var alertModifyRuleType = "Las reglas abajo enumeradas seguirán aplicándose aunque se modifiquen las características a mostrar en el motor web"; var alerteditingRules = "Estás editando las reglas:"; var alertChangeReservConfig = "Hay problemas con las siguientes"; var confirmMakingChanges = "¿Deseas realizar los cambios?"; var durationTranslation = "Duration"; var hoursTranslation = "Hours"; var messageTranslation = "Message"; var tableTypeTranslations = "Table type"; var usercatinfoDanger="请求信息时出错。联系管理员。"; var usercatinfoSuccess="Gracias por mostrar tu interés en CoverAtTable. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible."; var userCampaignEcoInfoSuccess="Gracias por mostrar tu interés. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible."; var tc0 = "成功创建类别"; var tc1 = "类别已正确更新"; var tc2 = "Category removed successfully"; var tc3 = "成功创建标签"; var tc4 = "正确更新标签"; var tc5 = "正确删除标签"; var tc6 = "类别名称为空"; var tc7 = "未选择语言"; var tc8 = "未选择类别"; var tc9 = "标签名称为空"; var tc10 = "您必须选择一家餐厅"; var tc11 = "未选择标签"; var tc12 = "未找到结果"; var tc13 = "El color está vacío"; var tc14 = "El color debe ser formato hexadecimal de 6 dígitos"; var tc15 = "Etiquetas unificadas"; var cmCopy = "复制网址"; var cmDelete = "Remove"; var crmCorrectMessage = "Los cambios se han guardado correctamente"; var promotionalCodeCorrectMessage = "El código promocional se ha creado correctamente"; var promotionalCodeUpdateCorrectMessage = "El código promocional se ha editado correctamente";