var first_time_please = "As soon as possible"; var card_method = "With card"; var effective_method = "Cash"; var card_method_word = "card"; var effective_method_word = "cash"; var expired_reservation_time_credit = "Your time to insert the card has expired"; var expired_reservation_time_comp = "Sorry, your time to complete the reservation has run out. The reservation has not been made."; var minutes_text = "minutes"; var unsafe_browser = "Your browser does not have the necessary security guarantees, confirm that you put https in the URL and your browser is updated."; var error_get_countries = "Failed to get countries. Contact with the administrator."; var error_firt_name = "You must fill in the name"; var error_last_name = "You must fill in the last name"; var error_email = "You must fill in the email"; var error_phone = "You must fill in the phone"; var error_phone_format = "The phone must have only numbers"; var error_email_format = "Email has an incorrect format"; var error_commentary = "The comment is required"; var error_route = "You must fill in the street"; var error_number = "You must fill in the number"; var bad_address_title = "Wrong address"; var bad_address_body = "Enter an address, city or postal code"; var bad_address_body2 = "The address you added is incorrect"; var nodata_title = "Data not entered"; var nodata_body = "Enter a data, please."; var nohour_title = "Time not available"; var nohour_body = "The selected time is no longer available, select another time, please"; var noorder_title = "Order not supported"; var noorder_body = "Sorry, we no longer accept more orders."; var insec_navigation_title = "Unsafe browsing"; var insec_navigation_body = "Your browser does not have the necessary security guarantees, confirm that you put https in the URL and your browser is updated."; var undef_error_title = "We have had a problem"; var undef_error_body = "There has been an unforeseen problem. Contact the restaurant."; var privacy_policy_title = "Conditions not accepted"; var privacy_policy_body = "You must check the box of Privacy policy and legal conditions."; var al_least_product = "Select at least one product"; var al_least_product_description = "You must select at least one product to be able to order."; var disponibility_time_at_least = "You must select a day that has availability."; var cannot_select_past_hour = "You must select a time later than the current time."; var current_stock_product_a = "Whoops! we only have left"; var current_stock_product_b = "for you, do you want to modify your order?"; var address_add_landing = "You must add your address information."; var number_driver_error = "You must enter the address number in the correct format."; var number_driver_need = "You must enter the address number."; var door_driver_need = "You must enter information in the address door field."; var check_mark_obli = "You must check the box:"; var room_number_add_landing = "You must indicate the room number."; var status_pending = "Pending"; var status_paid = "Paid out";